Diving NSW COVID-19 Tool Kit

Please note: These resources will also be updated and added to promptly if and/or when State Government policies or regulations change.

Diving NSW will be complying with all COVID – 19 safety measures, including following the current public health orders.

Information on access points and SOPAC rules – see below.

  • Entry will now be reverted back to Front of house using Carnival Entry turnstiles
  • Covid Safety Plan is no longer required by SOPAC
  • Venue no longer require to see vaccination status of athletes and spectators
  • All staff, volunteers and contractors must be fully vaccinated to work onsite
  • QR Code on entry is still required
  • Face masks are mandatory for everyone 12 and over unless you have a medical exemption
  • There will be a COVID-19 Marshal on duty

More information on the Venue COIVD Response and entry requirements can also be found at the following link: CLICK LINK HERE

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please check the NSW Health website prior to attending the compeititon at the Diving NSW

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan

Effective 17 July 2020, updated 15 January

Community sporting competitions and full training activities

Click on the following links for the Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan return to competition effective from 17 July 2020, updated 15 January 2021, updated 18 October 2021.

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan - SOPAC - December 2021

Diving NSW COVID -19 Safery Plan - SOPAC - 18 October 2021

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan - SOPAC - 6 May 2021

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safery Plan - SOPAC - 9 March 2021

Diving NSW COVID -19 Safety Plan - SOPAC - 10 February 2021

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan-updated 15 January 2021

Click on the following link for the Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan return to competition effective from 17 July 2020, updated 8 December 2020.

Diving NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan

Click on the following link for the latest information from NSW Government

COVID-19 17 July 2020

In recent weeks, there has been a gradual easing of restrictions put in place by the NSW Government in response to the state's success in managing the COVID-19 situation. As the situation evolves, Diving NSW will continue to provide relevant updates through this dedicated page and emails to members.

1 July return to sport

On 1 June 2020, the NSW Government announced the resumption of competitive sport from 1 July 2020. Below is a summary of the conditions and requirements for Diving.

From 13 June 2020:

  • Indoor recreation facilities can re-open with the following conditions:
    • the number of people in a facility must not exceed one person per 4 square metres, including staff (i.e. the 100 person indoor premises rule will not apply to indoor recreation facilities)
    • sport and recreation activities (including Diving classes) must have no more than 10 participants, plus the instructor and any assistants, per space and comply with one person per 4 square metres.
  • Under NSW public health orders, indoor facility owners and operators must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that details how their business will keep participants, visitors, volunteers and workers safe. The NSW Government has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan template that can be used by Swimming pool operators recommencing from 13 June 2020.

From 1 July 2020:

Visit the NSW Government website for more information on becoming a COVID-safe business. It is important that all Swimming pool owners and operators also remain up to date with current NSW Government public health orders.

Some of the conditions outlined above differ in the ACT. From 12 noon, Friday 19 June 2020, Phase 2.2 of Canberra's Recovery Plan came into effect. The changes, as applicable to pools and Diving, are as follows:

  • Swimming pools can open with a maximum of 100 people (including staff, trainers and spectators) per indoor or outdoor space or one person per 4 square metres, whichever is lesser.
  • Communal facilities (such as changerooms) can open if a risk assessment has been done and a strict cleaning regime is put in place. This should be outlined in the COVID Safety Plan.

Visit the ACT website for more information on restrictions within their borders.

It is important to remember that although state and territory governments may ease restrictions, the decision to re-open may differ between individual facility owners and their businesses and across communities based on local conditions and other factors.

Diving NSW will make an announcement regarding its events in the coming weeks.

Return to play in a COVID-safe environment

Prior to resuming sporting activity, all clubs are recommended to have a clear Return to Play in a COVID-safe Environment framework. We recommend that clubs start developing their COVID-safe plans as soon as possible to ensure they are ready to resume Diving activity once the relevant easing of restrictions allows them to do so. Diving NSW has prepared a return to sport plan Diving NSW COVID Safe Plan outlines recommendations for clubs to consider/implement prior to the resumption of Diving activity, as follows:

  1. The club has nominated a COVID-19 liaison
  2. The club is familiar with its state/local government restrictions re: COVID-19
  3. The club has checked its facility’s safety protocols
  4. The club has put in place infection limitation measures around water bottles and equipment
  5. The club is managing diver numbers in accordance with the guidelines
  6. The club is ready to respond if a diver becomes sick whilst training
  7. The club has a communication plan should a case of COVID-19 be confirmed
  8. The club is considering and is practicing current work health and safety measures
  9. The club has considered COVID-19 vulnerable groups within the club environment

Click here for full details about these recommendations, as well as further information for clubs on returning to the pool. These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment.

Further to the above, the following general COVID-safe principles will apply:

  • Maintain 1.5m social distancing at all times
  • Get in, train and get out
  • Practice good hand hygiene before and after training
  • Come ready to dive
  • Stay home if you, or a family member, are unwell
  • Don’t share food, drinks, equipment or towels
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule to ensure sufficient physical distancing between participants

Please also note the following Diving NSW Hygiene Best Practices, which are widely considered by health experts to be key to disease prevention and management.

Further information

You can also stay up to date with the health situation, credible advice and recommendations at the following links:

NSW/ACT Government

World Health Organisation

Australian Government

Sport Australia/AIS

Swimming Australia

We understand that this is a worrying time for many in our community. We want to assure you that our staff and Diving NSW Board are responding to the situation as it evolves.

Thank you again for your ongoing support in putting the health and safety of our Diving NSW family first.